”Imaginaţia sociologică este forma cea mai fertilă a conştiinţei de sine. Ea este o calitate intelectuală ce pare să dea speranţe nelimitate procesului de comprehensiune a realităţii umane intime în legătură cu realităţi sociale mai largi”. (Wright Mills Imaginaţia sociologică, 1975)

Sociologie, Resurse Umane, Asistența Sociala
Lect. Univ. Dr.
Orar consultații:
Luni, orele 08.00-10.00 SALA 3.10 Programare pe e-mail
Adresa birou:
Sibiu, Str. Lucian Blaga, nr. 2A, Etaj 3, sala 3.10
Ionela.vlase@ulbsibiu.roTelefon departament:
0269 212 970
Discipline predate
- Stratificare și mobilitate socială
- Politici sociale
- Diagnoza problemelor sociale
- Politici de dezvoltare în organizații
Domenii de interes
- Migrație,
- inegalități sociale,
- studii de gen,
- calitatea vieții,
- indicatori sociali,
- metode calitative de cercetare
Publicații recente
- Vlase, Ionela and Ana Maria Preoteasa (2017, forthcoming) “Gendered life–course patterns in post-socialist Romania: An illustration from households situated in precarious prosperity” in Journal of Balkan and Near Eastern Studies.
- Vlase, Ionela and Rebekka Sieber (2016) “Narrating well-being in the context of precarious prosperity. An account of agency framed by culturally embedded happiness and gender beliefs” in European Journal of Women’s Studies, 23 (2): 185-199, Doi: 10.1177/1350506815580399
- Rebekka Sieber and Vlase, Ionela (2016) Amélioration de la qualité de vie à partir de la prospérité précaire. Analyse du rôle des liens sociaux et des stratégies d’adaptation des ménages en Roumanie et en Suisse. Sociologie Romaneasca, vol. XIV, nr. 1/2016 http://www.arsociologie.ro/sociologieromaneasca/numarul-curent
- Adela Elena Popa, Ionela Vlase, Felicia Morandău (2016) Nongovernent sector fighting cancer in Romania, Journal of Community positive practice, vol XVI, nr 2, pp 39-55.
- Ionela Vlase (2015) “Romanian households dealing with precariousness. A life course approach” in European Societies, 17(4):513-534, DOI: 10.1080/14616696.2015.1061682.
- Precupetu, Iuliana, Ana Maria Preoteasa and Ionela Vlase (2015) “Beyond Poverty in Romania: An Analysis of Household-level Factors of Poverty and Precarious Prosperity” in Sociológia / Slovak Sociological Review, 47(3) 2015: 253-271.
Proiecte de cercetare
- CNCS – UEFISCDI, project PN III-P4-ID-ERC-2016-0005: ”Migrants’ life courses: dealing with uncertain, highly destandardized biographies in Romania” – DIRECTOR DE PROIECT
- CNCS – UEFISCDI, project PN-II-RU-TE-2011-3-0104: „Quality of life and social inequalities in Romania in a European comparative perspective: twenty years of social transformations” – MEMBRU ECHIPĂ
- CNCS – UEFISCDI project PN-II-ID-PCE-2011-3-0602 „Recasting migrants’ voice. Local perspectives on migration, development, and social change in Romania” – MEMBRU ECHIPĂ
- Research project Romania – Switzerland (RSRP) 2013-2016 – „A comparative perspective on precarious prosperity and household strategies in Romania and Switzerland in times of economic strain” – MEMBRU ECHIPĂ
- European Commission project: Human face of the crisis. Country expert- Romania July 2013-November 2013 – COORDONATOR ROMANIA
- Labour mobility within the EU: impacts of return migration: Romania case study”, European Foundation for the Improvement of Working and Living Conditions, Eurofound: Dublin. (August-December 2011)- – MEMBRU ECHIPĂ
- EU INCLUSIVE transfer de date și experiențe privind integrarea pe piața muncii a romilor între România, Bulgaria, Italia și Spania, Soros, Romania, social expert between April and June 2012- – MEMBRU ECHIPĂ
Curriculum vitae
- Starting from October 2013 – Lecturer in Sociology,
University “Lucian Blaga” Sibiu - 2011-2016 – Research fellow
Research Institute for the Quality of Life, Bucharest - 2010-2013 – Postdoctoral researcher in sociology
University of Bucharest - 2004-2008 – Research and teaching assistant
University of Neuchâtel, Switzerland
- 2004-2009 – Doctor in Sociology
University of Neuchâtel Switzerland - 2002-2004 – Master in Sociology.
University of Neuchâtel Switzerland - 1997-2001 – Bachelor in Sociology.
University of Bucharest - 1992-1997 – Baccalaureate
Pedagogical high school
Other languages
- French: level C1/2
- English: level C1/2
Organisational / managerial skills
- Good organizational skills (I have organized scientific events: conferences, workshops)
- Experience as team member in different research projects as well as experience of conducting such
projects and designing research tools
Job-related skills
- good command of qualitative research methods, good academic writing skills (publication in scientific
journals in the field of sociology, good analytical skills of social processes
Computer skills
- good command of Microsoft Office™ tools, SPSS, Internet explorer, Firefox, Google
Publications In peer-reviewed journals
- Vlase, Ionela and Ana Maria Preoteasa (2017, forthcoming) “Gendered life–course patterns in post-socialist Romania: An illustration from households situated in precarious prosperity” in Journal of Balkan and Near Eastern Studies.
- Vlase, Ionela and Rebekka Sieber (2016) “Narrating well-being in the context of precarious prosperity. An account of agency framed by culturally embedded happiness and gender beliefs” in European Journal of Women’s Studies, 23
(2): 185-199, Doi: 10.1177/1350506815580399 - Rebekka Sieber and Vlase, Ionela (2016) Amélioration de la qualité de vie à partir de la prospérité précaire. Analyse du rôle des liens sociaux et des stratégies d’adaptation des ménages en Roumanie et en Suisse. Sociologiev Romaneasca, vol. XIV, nr. 1/2016 http://www.arsociologie.ro/sociologieromaneasca/numarul-curent
- Adela Elena Popa, Ionela Vlase, Felicia Morandău (2016) Nongovernent sector fighting cancer in Romania, Journal of Community positive practice, vol XVI, nr 2, pp 39-55.
- Ionela Vlase (2015) “Romanian households dealing with precariousness. A life course approach” in European Societies, 17(4):513-534, DOI: 10.1080/14616696.2015.1061682.
- Precupetu, Iuliana, Ana Maria Preoteasa and Ionela Vlase (2015) “Beyond Poverty in Romania: An Analysis of Household-level Factors of Poverty and Precarious Prosperity” in Sociológia / Slovak Sociological Review, 47(3)
2015: 253-271. - Vlase Ionela and Mălina Voicu (2013): „Romanian Roma migration: The interplay between structures and agency” in Ethnic and Racial Studies, 37(13): 2418-2437
- Vlase Ionela (2013): «My husband is a patriot! Gender and Romanian family return migration from Italy» in Journal of ethnic and migration studies, 39( 5), pp. 741-758. DOI:10.1080/1369183X.2013.756661, ISI – impact factor 1.08
- Precupetu, Iuliana, Marian Vasile and Ionela Vlase (2013) „Individual and contextual factors in self-rated health inequalities:A comparison between Romania, 10NMS and EU15” in Revista de cercetare și interventie sociala, vol
41, pp. 28-39., - Vlase Ionela (2013) „Women’s social remittances and their implications at household level: a case study of Romanian migration to Italy”, in Migration Letters, vol 10, nr 1, pp. 81-90.
- Vlase Ionela (2013) „Potential factors of gender inequalities in migration flows. The case of Romanian Roma in Italy and Spain” in Calitatea Vieții, n.1/2013.
- Vlase Ionela (2012): „Gender and migration-driven changes in rural Eastern Romania. Migrants’ perspectives. In International Review of Social Research vol 2, nr 2, pp.21-38.
- Vlase Ionela (2011): « Migrația de întoarcere a românilor din Italia. Studiu de caz în Vulturu, Vrancea » (Romanian return migration from Italy. Case study in Vulturu, Vrancea), Calitatea vietii, 2/2011, pp. 155-176.
- Vlase Ionela (2010): «Cum să abordăm diferențele de vârstă și gen în practica Probațiunii? » (How to approach gender and age differences in probation service?) Sociologie Românească, 3/2010, pp:117-130.
- Vlase Ionela (2007) : « Morphologie des rapports sociaux des migrant(e)s. Un ménage roumain à Genzano (province de Rome) » in Revue Européenne des Migrations Internationales, Volume 23, Numéro 1, p. 163-179.
- Vlase Ionela (2006): «Donne rumene migranti e lavoro domestico in Italia / Romanian Migrant Women and Housework in Italy » in Studi Emigrazione, n 161, Rome: CSER, pp. 6-22.
- Vlase Ionela (2006): «Retele de migratie între Vulturu si Roma. Elemente pentru o analiză de gen » (Migrant networks between Vulturu and Rome. Elements for gender analysis), in Societatea Reală, vol 4/2006, Bucharest : Paideia, pp. 125- 150.
- Vlase Ionela (2004): «Hommes et femmes en migration : d’un village roumain à Rome » in Migration/Société, ParisCIEMI,
n 93-94/ 2004, pp. 47-60
- Vlase Ionela (2016) Le genre dans la structuration de la migration. Ed Institutul European, Iasi
Book chapters
- Vlase, Ionela (2016) Migration si revenirea romanilor in tara. Implicatii . In Bogdan Voicu, Horaţiu Rusu şi Adela Elena Popa (eds.) Este România altfel? Societatea şi sociologia… încotro?. pp. 57-67. Editura ULBS & Editura Tritonic http://centers.ulbsibiu.ro/csr/publicatii/pbec/VRP2015RA.pdf”
- Christian Suter, Jean-Michel Bonvin, Gaël Curty, Mark Herkenrath, Michael Nollert, Hanno Scholtz and Ionela Vlase (2010) Towards a Global Perspective on Social Inequalities: An Introduction. In Christian Suter (editor): Inequality
Beyond Globalization : Economic Changes, Social Transformations, and the Dynamics of Inequality, Lit Verlag, Münster. Pp 1-12. - Vlase Ionela (2006): «Pratiques migratoires contemporaines entre Roumanie et Italie. Récits des migrantes » in Ph. Rygiel et N. Lillo : Rapports sociaux de sexe et immigration, Paris : Publibook, pp. 71-82
- Vlase Ionela (2004): «L’insertion des femmes roumaines sur le marché du travail à Rome : un moyen de développement personnel et collectif » in Reysoo F. et Verschuur C. (coord.), Femmes en mouvement. Genre,
migrations et nouvelle division du travail, IUED Genève, pp. 115-126
Research reports
- Ionela Vlase and Ana Maria Preoteasa (2012): Roma migrants from Bulgaria and Romania. Migration patterns and integration in Italy and Spain 2011. In Daniela Tarnovschi (ed.) Roma from Romania, Bulgaria, Italy and Spain between Social Inclusion and Migration, Soros: Bucharest.
- Ionela Vlase and Florina Presada (2012) “Labour mobility within the EU: impacts of return migration: Romania case study” (manuscript). in Egidijus Barcevičius, Krystyna Iglicka (scientific advisor), Daiva Repečkaitė, Dovilė
Žvalionytė: European Foundation for the Improvement of Working and Living Conditions, Eurofound: Dublin. - Ionela Vlase: „Sustenabilitatea reîntoarcerii migranților români. O analiză de gen a factorilor de care depinde reintegrarea în țară”, Raport final de cercetare postdoctorală publicat de Universitatea București.
Research Projects
- CNCS – UEFISCDI, project PN III-P4-ID-ERC-2016-0005: ”Migrants’ life courses: dealing with uncertain, highly destandardized biographies in Romania”
- CNCS – UEFISCDI, project PN-II-RU-TE-2011-3-0104: „Quality of life and social inequalities in Romania in a European comparative perspective: twenty years of social transformations”
- CNCS – UEFISCDI project PN-II-ID-PCE-2011-3-0602 „Recasting migrants’ voice. Local perspectives on migration, development, and social change in Romania”
- Research project Romania – Switzerland (RSRP) 2013-2016 – „A comparative perspective on precarious prosperity and household strategies in Romania and Switzerland in times of economic strain”
- European Commission project: Human face of the crisis. Country expert- Romania July 2013-November 2013
- Labour mobility within the EU: impacts of return migration: Romania case study”, European Foundation for the Improvement of Working and Living Conditions, Eurofound: Dublin. (August-December 2011)
- EU INCLUSIVE transfer de date și experiențe privind integrarea pe piața muncii a romilor între România, Bulgaria, Italia și Spania, Soros, Romania, social expert between April and June 2012
- Ionela Vlase and Ana Maria Preoteasa (2016) Quality of Life As Outcome of Interlocking Family and Work Trajectories. An Overview of Romanian Households in Precarious Prosperity. International Sociological Association, Viena 11/14 July 2016 https://isaconf.confex.com/isaconf/forum2016/webprogram/Paper73188.html
- Ionela Vlase, Adela Elena Popa, Felicia Morandău (2016) Limits and opportunities in addressing cancer by Romanian NGOs, SSR conference, Lucian Blaga University of Sibiu, 29.09-.1.10. 2016, Sibiu.
- Adela Elena Popa, Ionela Vlase, Felicia Morândău, (2016) Nongovernmental sector fighting cancer in Romania, Social sciences and the contemporary challenges, International Conference Oradea, 9-10 June 2016,
- Ionela Vlase and Ana Maria Preoteasa (2016) Individual-level determinants of anti-immigrant sentiment in presentday Romania. RN35 Conference Facing a New „Age of Migration”? Methodological Challenges, Conceptual Questions, Political Entanglements organized by RN35 Sociology of Migration of the ESA, Research Institute for Quality of Life, Romanian Academy and the Faculty of Sociology and Social Work, University of Bucharest, 1-2 September 2016
- Ana Maria Preoteasa, Vlase Ionela, Tufa Laura (2016) Life-course position and intergenerational exchanges within precarious Romanian households. Evidence from a qualitative inquiry. Paper presented at the XVI Polish Sociological Congress 14-17 septembrie 2016 http://16zjazdpts.pl/wp content/uploads/2015/06/Program-XVIOg%C3%B3lnopolskiego-Zjazdu-Socjologicznego.pdf
- Vlase, Ionela si Ana Maria Preoteasa ( 2015) “Factori determinanți ai sentimentelor anti-imigrație în România” , prezentare la conferinta anuala a Facultatii de Sociologie a Universitatii “Lucian Blaga” din Sibiu, 15-18 octombrie
2015 - Ana Maria Preoteasa and Vlase, Ionela (2015) Work trajectories – challenges in approaching the structural and individual changes. Evidence from a qualitative research Paper presented at the WORK2015 New Meanings of Work –conference in Turku, Finland, August 19 – 21
- Vlase Ionela (2015). Main routes into precarious prosperity in Romania from a life course perspective. Presentation at the conference „Quality of Life: A Challenge for Social Policy”, Bucharest, ICCV https://sites.google.com/site/riqlconference2015/ 23.-25.04.2015
- Vlase, Ionela and Rebekka Sieber (2015). Narrating well-being in the context of precarious prosperity. An account of agency framed by culturally embedded happiness and gender beliefs. Presentation at the international conference
“Narratives of Crisis”, 24-26.06.2015, University of Macedonia, Thessaloniki (GR). - Sieber Rebekka and Vlase Ionela (2015). Precarious prosperity in Romania and Switzerland: A longitudinal qualitative analysis of strategies improving the quality of life of households. Presentation at the ESA conference
2015, Prague, 25-28 August http://programme.esa12thconference.eu/sessions/2015-08-27 - Vlase, Ionela (2014). Experiences and strategies of Romanian households situated in precarious prosperity. Paper presented at the annual conference of the Sociology department of the “Lucian Blaga” University of Sibiu, 17- 18.10.2014, Sibiu (RO).
- Vlase, Ionela and Rebekka Sieber (2014). Examining wellbeing in embedded narrative. The use of agential flourishing approach. Presentation at the 4th Global Studies International Conference, Goethe University, 06-
09.08.2014, Frankfurt (DE). - Bogdan Voicu, Ionela Vlase. (2013) High-Skilled Immigrants and Social Integration in Times of Crisis. A CrossEuropean Analysis, ECSR European Consortium for Sociological Research ‘Developments in Social Inequality and
Social Cohesion’ Conference: 14-16 October 2013, Tilburg University, Tilburg, Netherlands - Vlase Ionela (2011) Gendered remittances and return. Evidences from Romania.”paper presented at 8th annual IMISCOE conference in Warsaw (Poland), 7-9 september 2011
- Vlase Ionela (2011) Gendered remittances and their implications at household level. A case study of Romanian migration toward Italy. Trento, 8-10 iunie 2011: „The Migration-Development Nexus Revisited: State of the Art and Ways Ahead
- Vlase Ionela (2011) Gendered remittances and return. Evidences from Romania.”paper presented at the 8th SACR Conference – Romanian Society of Cultural Anthropology The Material Culture (Re)Turn in Anthropology: Promises
and Dead-ends Bucharest, 22-25 September 2011 - Vlase Ionela (2011) Migration and social change. Evidences from Vulturu, Vrancea. Paper presented at the Annual conference of the Faculty of Sociology and Social Work, University of Bucharest, 27-28 May 2011.
- Vlase Ionela et Laetitia Carreras (2008): Regard croisé sur les travailleuses domestiques migrantes, avec et sans statut légal. Deux contextes : Rome et Genève Colloque : « Aspects sociaux et culturels du féminin et du masculin»,
Genève, Switzerland, 28-30 mai 2008 - Vlase Ionela (2006) Récits de femmes sur les pratiques migratoires contemporaines entre Roumanie et Italie, conference „Histoire, genre et Migration”, Ecole Normale Supérieure Paris, France, 27-29 mars 2006.
- Vlase Ionela (2004) Migration des femmes et des homme, Colloque: « Inclusion/Exclusion », Neuchâtel, Suisse, 23-25 mars 2004
- Vlase Ionela (2004) L’insertion des femmes roumaines sur le marché du travail à Rome : un moyen de développement personnel et collectif. Colloque IUED « Femmes en mouvement », Genève, Suisse, 22-23 janvier
Reviewing activities
- European Societies,
- Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies,
- Journal of Ethnic and Racial Studies,
- Comparative Migration Studies,
- Journal of International Migration and Integration,
- Central and Eastern European Migration Review,
- Transnational Social Review –A Social Work Journal
- Studia Sociologia,
- Social Change Review
- Sociologie Romaneasca,
- Sociology Compass
- Religion and Society in Central and Eastern Europe