„Nu vreau să cred. Vreau să ştiu.” (Carl Sagan)

Lect. Univ. Dr.
Orar consultații:
Marti,18-20 săptămâna pară
Adresa birou:
Sibiu, Str. L. Blaga nr.2A ( in cadrul Facultății de Medicină)Mansardă, sala MA5-03
gabriela.marcu@ulbsibiu.roTelefon departament:
0269 239 514
Discipline predate
- Comportamentul consumatorului
- Fundamente ale deciziei economice
- Fundamentele psihologiei
- Psihologia sportului
- Competente si abilitati in practica psihologica
- Consiliere psihologica
Domenii de interes
- psihologie economică
- decizie si rationament
- neurostiinte
- comportament prosocial, altruism
Publicații recente
- Gabriela Marcua, Cornelia Iordanescua, Eugen Iordanescua: The influence of the psychological factors upon the entrepreneurial tendency in crisis environments. Procedia – Social and Behavioral Sciences 12/2012; 33:473-477., DOI:10.1016/j.sbspro.2012.01.166
- Eugen Iordanescu, Cornelia Iordanescu, Gabriela Marcu: Economic and Psychological Factors in Entrepreneurial Tendency. SSRN Electronic Journal 02/2011;, DOI:10.2139/ssrn.1753626
- Gabriela Marcu, V. I. Selagea, C. M. Simeanu, E. A. Stancu, E. Iordănescu: Nudge: influencing smokers’ behavior of cigarette butts throwing. Psychology of Political and Economic Self-Constitution; 05/2016
- Gabriela Marcu, D. L. Badiu, R. D. Mitiu, A. C. Zidaru, E. Iordănescu: Nudging consumers that change their mind, to reduce waste. Psychology of Political and Economic Self-Constitution; 05/2016
- Gabriela Marcu, C. Pop, R. G. Ghirișan, E. M. Petre, E. Iordănescu: Self-improvement, an incentive to recycle. Psychology of Political and Economic Self-Constitution, Ukraine; 05/2016
- Gabriela Marcu, Eugen Iordanescu: Too Exhausted To Consider Giving? Refractory Periods in Ego-Depletion and Giving Behaviour. 6th Conference of the National Neuroscience Society of Romania, Bucharest; 10/2015
- Gabriela Marcu: Nudge effects on giving behaviour. 2015 IAREP-SABE Joint Conference, Sibiu; 09/2015
- Gabriela Marcu: Intentionality in consumer behavior research. Using phenomenology in consumer psychology. Psychology of economic self-determination of person and community, Chisinau; 04/2015
- Gabriela Marcu, Mihaela Bucuta: Adaptation and validation of Japanese Sel-fReport Altruism Scale Distinguished by the Recipient (SRAS-DR) on Romanian population. LUMEN International Conference, http://apps.webofknowledge.com/full_record.do?page=1&qid=3&log_event=yes&viewType=fullRecord&SID=P2fy9NUPPdSEuX87RhM&product=WOS&doc=4&search_mode=GeneralSearch; 04/2015
- Mihaela Bucuta, Gabriela Marcu: Altruism From Intention To Action: A Psychological Comparison Of SelfReported Vs. Manifest Altruism. LUMEN International Conference; 04/2015
- Gabriela Marcu, Corneliu Mosoiu: Critical factors for false recall in associative network model of memory, using DRM paradigm. the 6th International Conference on Modern Research in Psychology; 12/2014
- Gabriela Marcu, Corneliu Mosoiu: Assessing the combined influence of mood and presentation rate on recalling experience, in an associative network memory model.. Conference of the National Neuroscience Society of Romania, Bucharest; 10/2014
- Gabriela Marcu: Applying psychology to everyday life: food choice – directions for research. „PSYCHOLOGY OF ECONOMIC SELF-DETERMINATION OF PERSON AND COMMUNITY”; 04/2014
- Gabriela Marcu, Eugen Iordanescu, Denisa Calin: Choosing own interest: nudging behavior in case of academic procrastination. PSYCHOLOGY OF ECONOMICSELF-DETERMINATIONOF PERSON AND COMMUNITY- І INTERNATIONAL SCIENTIFIC AND PRACTICAL SEMINAR, UKRAINE; 05/2013
- Marcu G, Iordanescua E: Right-brain stimulation and receptivity to pro-social visual messages. the IAREP Conference „Microcosm of Economic Psychology”; 09/2012
Curriculum vitae
Work Experience
- 03/2009–Present University Lecturer, PhD03/2009–Present University Lecturer, PhD „Lucian Blaga” University of Sibiu, Sibiu (Romania) Disciplines: Economic Psychology, Fundamentals of Human Decision, Consumer Behavior, Counseling, Human Resource Management, Fundamentals of Psychology I, Sport Psychology Research
- 2000–2009 University Assistant „Lucian Blaga” University of Sibiu, Sibiu (Romania) Support activities and seminary in Fundamentals of Psychology, Analysis of Economic Behavior, Human Resources ManagementResearch
- 2012–2013 Assistant Manager „Lucian Blaga” University of Sibiu, Sibiu (Romania) Assistant Manager within the Project „Psychologist for tomorrow” program funded by EC, POSDRU. Ongoing project management activities related to psychology students practical skills development and facilitation of their transition from school to working life.
- 2011–2012 Trainer Chamber of Commerce, Sibiu (Romania) Training adults for different behavioral skills.
- 2001–2006 Project manager, business consultant IM Consulting Romania, Sibiu (Romania) Expert Consultant – consultancy for business start-ups especially for the unemployed, financing, business plans, feasibility studies. Experience in writing and implementation of projects from pre-accession funds: PHARE, SAPARD; experience in preparing credit applications for SME.Lecturer in a training program for the employees of labor agencies Region SE-Romania (Smart).
Project Manager within the Project „New era of citizen democracy” funded by the Council of Europe and implemented in three municipalities in the county of Sibiu.
Member of the Swedish-Romanian project team to implement the social economy model in Romania. Counselling of the unemployed. - 1997–2001 Director and psychotherapist1997–2001 Director and psychotherapist Blue Cross Romania, „Insland of Hope” Rehabilitation Center, Sibiu (Romania) Functional and administrative management of the rehabilitation center for women addicted to alcohol and drugs. Fund-raising and development / implementation of projects.Psychological evaluation and diagnosis; therapy planning for inpatients. Individual and group therapy.Project Manager in the RASP program funded by USAID through World Learning program, in partnership with an organization in the United States.Fundraiser and Project Manager for Project „Buying a home Recovery Center for Women Isle of Hope” – DUTCH FUNDS .
Education and training
- 2014 Postgraduate Program 2014 Postgraduate Program Universitatea de Vest Timisoara (Romania) Research Module:International visibility of research products – ISI journals;Advanced research methods;Project management;Ethics in social sciences
10/2003–10/2009 PhD in Economics „Lucian Blaga” University of Sibiu, Sibiu (Romania) Political Economics specialization, Research title: Local economic development in the context of regionalization. (Interdisciplinary study in psycho-economics) - 1998–1999 M.A. in Health and Education Psychology „Babes-Bolyai” University of Cluj-Napoca, Faculty of Psychology, Cluj-Napoca (Romania) Health psychology, Cognitive-behavioral psychotherapy, Psychodiagnostic, Childhood psychiatry, Counseling in health and disease, Educational Psychology., Psychofarmacology.
- 1993–1997 Bachelor Degree in Psychology „Lucian Blaga” University of Sibiu, Sibiu (Romania) Fundamentals of Psychology, Pedagogy, Sociology, Social Psychology, Psychopathology, Work Psychology, Experimental Psychology, Mathematics, Cybernetics, Statistics.
03/2012–04/2012 Certificate in educational mentoring of students with disabilities Ministry of Education, Research, Youth and Sports, Sibiu (Romania) Training program for educational mentoring of disabled studentsUse of ITC tools to guide and support students with disabilities - 2011 Trainer Certificate Ministry of Education, Research, Youth and Sport / CCIA Sibiu, Sibiu (Romania) Adults training competencies
- 2009 Certificate in European Projects writing and management Ministry of Regional Development, Sibiu (Romania)
- 2000 Certificate of competence in clinical psychological diagnosis and experential psychotherapy 2000 Certificate of competence in clinical psychological diagnosis and experential psychotherapy Clinic „Y Voir Claire”, Ottignies (Belgium)
Other language(s)
- English: C1/B2
- French: B2/B1
- German: A2/B1
Communication skills
- Skills in project management
- Communication skills, training experience
- Curiosity and receptivity to new learning and development opportunities
- Dynamic, flexible thinking, creativity
- Empathy, critical thinking
Organisational / managerial skills
- Management and organizational skills gained through leadership and coordination functions taken over time
- Ability to manage budgets
Job-related skills
- research skills
- science-oriented attitude
Other skills
- Volunteering in my own Cultural Association where I run art projects for children and youth.
- Vice-president of the Association for Economic Psychology Romania
- Country representative for Neuromarketing Science and Business Association.
- Member of the International Association for Research in Economic Psychology (IAREP)
- Member of the Society for Consumer Psychology (APA Division)
- Member of FENS (Federation of European Neuroscience)
- Member of the National Society for Neuroscience
- Member for Critical Thinking Foundation
- Member ResearcherID, ID number: C-4168-2011
Projects and grants
- 2012-2013 – project assistant, Project POSDRU „Psihologi pentru generațiile de mâine”, nr. POSDRU/109/2.1/G/82279, cofinanțat din Fondul Social European prin Programul Operațional Sectorial pentru Dezvoltarea Resurselor Umane 2007-2013 – „Investește în oameni”, beneficiar Universitatea ”Lucian Blaga” din Sibiu
- 2016 – Individual Research Grant – Lucian Blaga University of Sibiu, Title: “Insights on Altruism in Relathionship with Attractiveness – A Cross-Cultural Study on Romanian And British Population”